Ηerbs are essential parts of nature’s pharmacy and a cook’s armory. The magic ingredients that will often give you first aid but also will complete and transform every dish. We source the finest examples of each by ensuring that they are collected, dried and stored properly. From the moment they come to you, in order to be able to take full advantage of their properties they must be stored in a cool and shady place and consumed until the “Best before” time.
Showing all 7 results
Herbal Blend for Tea
€5.00 -
Lavender / Λεβαντα
€3.20 -
Lemon balm/ Μελισσοχορτο
€3.50 -
Oregano/ Ριγανη
€3.50 -
Rosemary / Δεντρολιβανο
€3.20 -
Sage / Φασκομηλο
€3.50 -